Contact Us

I'll get back to you just as soon as I can, unless I'm thigh deep in a crystal clear, ice cold river trying to land a nice fat trout.

2112 10 Street
Coaldale, AB, T1M 1B5

(403) 345-2671

A website presenting high quality hand tied fly fishing flies, primarily tested in Western Alberta, Eastern British Columbia, The North West Territories and the Yukon Territory in Canada. The owners of this site have lived in Western and Northern Canada for 40 years and have been fly fishing for 35 years for Cutthroat, Rainbow, Bull Trout, Dolly Varden, Kokanee Salmon (landlocked Sockeye Salmon), Arctic Grayling, Lake Trout and Northern Pike. 




Welcome to Cyberfly Fishing Products. These fly patterns are tried and true designs that have produced good catches in the Elk, Fording and Wigwam Rivers in southeastern BC and in the Oldman, Crowsnest and Castle Rivers in southwestern Alberta.  Some patterns have even been fished in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Greenland and Kyrgyzstan.

All of these flies are hand tied and are guaranteed to be of the highest quality.

My policy is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our products. Any defective products will be cheerfully replaced.

This listing presents our current products. If there’s a pattern you would like me to carry, just let me know. I can usually supply a non-stock pattern with a little lead time.

Almost any fly will catch fish under the right conditions, but I have always found the best approach is to check the area you intend to fish for the natural aquatic and terrestrial life and "match the hatch".

Spend a few minutes quietly watching the water and imitate the "locals" with your presentation.

Most of all, Be Patient.

Fly fishing isn't a numbers game. It is a natural stress reliever, a chance to watch the world go by and to learn the rhythms of the fish and the animals by quiet observation.


Practice "Catch and Release" when you can. Put as little stress on the fish as possible.


The hooks on these flies are barbed. Consider closing the barbs on your flies regardless of where you fish.

A gently released fish caught on a barbless hook will be there to catch again.


Take as many pictures and memories as you like and leave nothing but footprints.


Warner Durocher